Please make sure you fill in every blank. If a question is not
applicable please state so.Please type or print clearly.
Date: _____________ 1 OR 2 party divorce ______ Email
Plaintiff's name:_______________________________________________
Address:____________________________________City _______________
Postal code _____________ Country _______________
Phone No: ____________ Age ____Citizenship _____________
Defendant's name: __________________________________
Address:____________________________________City _______________
Postal code _____________ Country ________________
Phone No: ___________ Age ____Citizenship ______________________
Maiden name of wife: _________________________________
Date and Place of Marriage
Names, date and place of birth of children, if any:
Custody of children (mother or father)________________________
Date and place of marriage
Date of written Separation Agreement if there is one:
Place Agreement signed (if there is one)_____________________
How long have you been separated?:__________
Does wife desire the use of maiden or former name? ________
Plaintiff's identifying no.
(passport, military, social security,
Name of Notary Public for plaintiff:___________________________
Date of notarization: _______
* Defendant's identifying no.
( passport, military, social security,
Name of Notary Public for defendant:_______________________
Date of Notarization: ____
* For two party cases only
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