I/we ____________________________________ hereby submit my (our)self (selves) to the jurisdiction of the Courts of ________________________________ for the sole purpose of obtaining a divorce.

(IF APPLICABLE): I certify that my spouse will not submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of __________________________________ and will not give consent to a divorce.
I/we understand that any divorce judgment granted in any foreign jurisdiction without the consent of both spouses and without both spouses submitting to the jurisdiction of said foreign Court, and without an appearance personally by at least one of the parties to the divorce, must be considered avoidable and that the divorce judgment may be contested by either spouse and could be set aside by the Court in whose jurisdiction either spouse resides.
I/we further certify that the above has been explained to me/us and we are fully aware that the divorce I/we seek in______________________ can be set aside by another Court at a later date.
I/we hereby release my/our attorneys, and the firms which they represent, from any responsibility for this divorce, and I/we assume full legal responsibility and consequences for this action for divorce for which I/we now petition the Courts of____________________________________________.

Subscribed and sworn to this _______ day of ___________200___.



Suscribed and sworn to before me this______ day of ____________, 20__

NOTARY SIGNATURE_________________________________
NOTARY NAME(PRINT) __________________________

My commission expires ______________________ NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL

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